Mayor Patrick Brown support Black Community Platform Media Political Arenal Joe Ehizode Host


Mayor Brown is running to lead Canada’s Conservatives because he’s seen the real, long-term, devastating impacts of nearly seven years of Trudeau Liberal rule through a different lens than the Ottawa career politicians. And he’s had enough. For Conservatives to win the next election, we need to choose a leader who can defeat the Liberals, and there is only one candidate who can do that in this race and that is Patrick Brown The only way to make sure we can make that happen is for you to become a paid-up member of the Conservative Party of Canada so you can vote to choose the next leader. This isn’t a general election where anybody can vote…only members of the CPC can vote. So it’s important you go to Mayor Brown’s website,, and sign up now to join This is one of the most important and effective ways you can help shape the future of this country


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